Ayurvedic Skincare


There are three main skin types based off of your element energy balance. You may even find that your skin type is a unique combination. With an Ayurvedic Face Mapping service at The Everly, you can find out which one of the following skin types you fall into. Then a customized treatment program with distinct diet and lifestyle recommendations will be designed for you. Three general descriptions of the skin type categories are:


Skin Types
(Some skin types have a combination of 2)


Vata Skin (Air element) Dry, small pores
For Vata skin to stay youthful, skin care products used should be very nurturing. They must include some essential oils or herbs in combination which can nourish the skin and rehydrate it, otherwise it may be susceptible to wrinkles and premature aging.

Pitta Skin (Fire Element) Medium pores, combination/oily, sensitive
The Pitta skin type needs both cooling and nurturing. Use skin care products that help enhance resistance to the sun. Avoid tanning treatments and therapies that expose your delicate, sensitive skin to steam for extended periods of time.

Kapha Skin (Earth Element) Oily Skin, large pores

Kapha skin, because of its thickness and oiliness, is more prone to accumulate ama — toxins under the skin. People with Kapha skin need to do detoxification on a regular basis, both internal detoxification and external detoxification to flush toxins from the skin. They need facials more often!